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ATTACK FILM has been intensively producing fiction and documentary audiovisual works since the new millennium. They are created in domestic television and international co-productions with the involvement of local artistic and technical professions.
ANDY WARHOL - Americký sen (2023)
Ako sa syn slovenských imigrantov v USA stal ikonou 20. storočia... Vo všeobecnosti si málo vážime slávnych ľudí, ktorí sú spojení so Slovenskom. AW je toho príkladom. Okrem pár informácií o extravagantnom umelcovi o ňom veľa nevieme, o jeho tvorbe výtvarníka, dizajnéra, filmára a už vôbec nie o tom, aký vplyv mala rusínska kultúra a ikonografia na jeho vývoj...
Život pre samoukov (2023)
„Nový život, noví muži, tak prečo si pripadám ako stará krava?“ tak znie anotácia knižnej predlohy filmu a večná otázka hlavnej hrdinky Kláry. Jej manžel sa s ňou rozíde počas slávnostnej večere v deň 15. výročia svadby a kúpi si silnú, nablýskanú motorku. Klára si na oplátku kúpi nový bicykel a presťahuje sa k svojej mame.
Rodinný film Cirkus Maximum je založený na príbehu rozporu dvoch bratov a ich otca. Do cirkusovej rodiny prichádza nová doba a tak, keď sa otec Ferdinand, principál, trpko posťažuje, že predtým cirkusy držali pokope ako rodina, dnes rodina držiaca pokope je ako cirkusová atrakcia. Všetci sa musia zamyslieť nad tým, ako zachrániť medzinárodný cirkusový festival a vlastne aj Cirkus Maximum…
The original Slovak fairy tale The Enchanted Cave will transport the audience to the times of myths and legends. Deep in the royal forest was a cave that had provided sustenance to the people and brought prosperity to the kingdom for centuries. One day the solivar Buchwald found the entrance to the cave sealed. Where the door used to be, there is suddenly bare rock.
Every perfect plan can shit. Crazy night ride, which involves big money, weird business with a bale of grass and even the chopping of little fingers.
Golden Boys: Stories of Slovak Hockey (2020)
Hockey is a society-wide phenomenon in Slovakia. More than just sports. It becomes synonymous with success, the unifying element of society as a whole.
The couple Andrej and Zuzana move to the mountains in solitude. A smart home that they choose to try, but disrupts their idea of a peaceful marriage.
PAVÚK: climber of the century (2018)
A portrait of the controversial personality of Slovak mountaineering Pavel Pochylý (1945 - 2000), nicknamed Pavúk. He followed the credo that the impossible is just one option.
THE BACKWARDS: The Story of Košice Beetles (2016)
A unique film adaptation that captures one day and at the same time twenty years of operation of Košice beetles, one of the best performers of The Beatles songs.
ANGEL OF LORD 2 (2016)
Angel Petronel still works at the Heavenly Gate, but he believes he deserves a better place. His eternal tempter, the devil Uriah, begins to provoke Petronella: Just tear an apple from the tree of Knowledge and he will know what only God knows!
The fairy tale is based on Božena Nemcová's classic fairy tale "Seven Ravens". A young girl takes on a difficult task. He must try to save his brothers and rid them of the curse that their mother threw at them. It is a story of courage, perseverance, but also of the power of word, truth and true love.
FERRATY (2015)
Ferratas are mountain trails and climbing paths in alpine terrain secured with steel ropes. The documentary with the same title maps the participation of Slovak soldiers on the Italian battlefields in the Dolomites during the First World War in the years 1915 to 1917.
Documentary series capturing rafting and rafting on Slovak rivers - their stories, traditions and history. A three-part television documentary series.
After years spent in exile, Franciszek Kalina returns to his native Polish village and finds out that his brother has a serious dispute with the local population. The reason is an unexpired event from period II. World War II and the Holocaust.
eŠteBák (2012)
After completing basic military service on the western border, amateur radio Adam returns to the sports airport, where he was caught in August 1968 by the occupation of Czechoslovakia. In an effort to protect his love Eva from repression, Adam becomes a professional agent of the State Security Service.
The most famous gypsy primate, Cinka Panna, lived and worked on the border of two worlds in the 18th century: the nobility she played and the gypsy community in which she lived her private life.
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